Acoustic Dry-Wall Partition
Perfect Acoustics provides high-quality solutions for optimal sound dampening, isolation, and noise reduction. Our soundproofing wall solutions are suitable for commercial, condo, apartment, and residential walls, industrial, warehouse structures as well as home theatre rooms and any other location where noise travels through walls.
Aside from its lightweight construction, drywall partitions are versatile in the creation of interior areas while providing high building performances in thermal, acoustic, and fire qualities.
The typical drywall system consists of galvanized steel stud frames with calcium silicate, cement, or gypsum boards along each side of the frames. But in order to give the drywall partition good acoustic, thermal, and fire properties, non-combustible stone wool insulation is used inside the wall system’s cavity. Because it is made to give a precise fit inside the wall frames, our selection of wool insulation offers the right answer. The installation of drywall partitions by Perfect Acoustics is quick and simple, which helps to shorten the amount of time and labour required for that task and, as a result, quicken the pace of construction as a whole.